Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Madness

G'Day Mateys,

Long time no blog and lots of happy haps to tell y'all about. So far we've had a pleasant early spring that has included a bit of travel and a few house guests, plus some good news on the cancer front.

First, my last visit with my oncologist revealed that my CEA (tumor marker) numbers have been holding steady at normal levels for the last several months indicating that I am cancer free as well as can be determined. Therefore the plan is to undergo a few rounds of maintenance chemo in an attempt to obliterate microscopic cancer cells if they are in there. Research indicates that this type of plan following surgery has fairly high remission rates, so yay.

In more interesting news Sally and I recently hosted about 25 of our close family and friends in town for the Mercer Island Rotary Club 5K, 10K and half-marathon benefiting colon cancer awareness. Over the long weekend we had a big ol' spaghetti feed, a night of fine dining and group karaoke, the run and a pizza party. Here are some pics of the run for you all to enjoy. Thanks to all who came out and made it a blast.

Our half-marathon runners. Sads and Sal pulled Ty along, who decided to run it just the night before without having done a single training run. Yowsers.

Team members including TorKat, who both finished 3rd overall in the men's and women's 10k respectively.

Apparently, the marked course was still confusing for these two directionally challenged run/walkers.
D-swizzle showing the hops and the steeze.
J-Lau and Sammy, we see you too.
The Keyes with our youngest team member, Penelope Clover.

Hope that you all enjoyed those fine photos. The next few are from Sal's and my trip to Denver for the Funk baby shower. Another grand time mingling with the laid back country folk, where the gorgeous old west comes to life in blaze of sepia toned glory that is Denver. It was super fun to hang with Dave, Rebecca, Jonas, Eric, Sadie, Jevan, Casey, the Funks and our other Denver pals.

My special lady friend.

If more baby showers turned into parties with Sads and Sal rocking the shades, then count me in.
What what.

Rebecca, Dave, Eric y Jonas.

Tracy looking great at 8 months with Elliot (not pictured?), Rebecca and Sadie.

Well that is all for now. Stay tuned for exciting future updates, including new plants in the yard and more with Pirate, Benny and Goose. Later Skaters.


  1. Just wondering how Ty did the day after!?

  2. I have been following your blog for a while and never commented before. First of all, WAY TO GO KICKIN' CANCER ASS! My Dad has stage 4 CC with mets to his liver and lungs, he has been on chemo for 2.5 years and is doing great. It is so nice to see a story of good blessings. I hope for a clear journey ahead for you and that you never have to go through this again. Keep kickin' ass.

  3. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Thanks for your note and for the kind words. We're glad to hear your dad is doing well. Best wishes to both of you and you two keep kickin' ass as well!
