Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No More Mai Tais Please

Nick and I are sitting on our lanai, staring out at the Pacific Ocean and doing our best to cure our Mai Tai hangovers with some chips and salsa.

The trip has been awesome so far. We spent yesterday morning on Hapuna Beach and then met up with Stacey and Ryan and Stacey's sister and brother-in-law, Lindsay and Jeff, for lunch at the Four Seasons. We enjoyed more beach time afterwards and even caught a few glimpses of sea turtles right off the shore.

Stacey's mom hosted a happy hour get together later that evening and we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset before heading out for a group sushi dinner. We ended the evening at Stacey and Ryan's pimp pad where we played lots of dice games and partook in some drinking game shennangins.

We're getting ready to head out to breakfast and then to some sweet beach somewhere. Here are a few pics in the meantime...

Trying to kill time at the rental car company.

Part of the group.

Hapuna Beach.

Happy hour.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hi Friends and Family,

We're headed to the Big Island of Hawaii tomorrow and will be there until Sunday, October 4th. We'll have our cell phones with us but please don't call:)

We will try to post a few pics from the beach when we get the chance.


Nick & Sally

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie!

Just a quick shout-out to Katie. Happy Birthday and have fun at Wicked tonight. Looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow!


Sally & Nick

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An open letter to Andy Funk

Dear Andy,

You are our best house guest of all time. You should get a medal or a trophy or a t-shirt that says "Ultimate House Guest."

Thank you for handling our potentially disastrous sewer problem, halting a budding rat infestation (no connection to the sewer problem), building a fence in the backyard, cleaning everything, aerating the lawn, helping me reconnect with VPN, replacing the light on the back porch and loading, unloading and spreading 4 cubic yards of bark in our backyard. I'm sure I missed a few things.

Yes, you eat a lot and drink a lot of coffee and PBR. But we promise to keep the fridge stocked whenever you want to visit. Please visit. Often.

We love you brother,

Nick and Sally

P.S. - Pirate asked where you went this morning.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Funks, Keyes & Rogers

Baseball, babies and dogs. It was a an all-American evening with our dear friends, the Rogers, Keyes and Funks. Here are a few snaps...

Go Mariners!

The Funks and Keyes were in town this weekend. We met up with Ty and Katie at the Mariners Game and watched the Ms lose to the Yankees. Fun times though. Andy hung up Ty and Katie's old lamp under some construction scaffolding. It added a nice touch...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday, the 18th of September.

So I'm a little overdue for an update for all of you dedicated "dominally" followers, who are greatly appreciated by the way.  It looks as though the number of followers is increasing, which means that I better keep things fresh or else.

I'll begin with the latest news.  As some may know, I started teaching again at Eckstein Middle School.  It's 8th grade science, covering mostly earth science related topics for the semester.  There are about 150 kids in my 5 class periods and so far it has been a smooth start to the year.  The school is exactly where I like to be as it is pretty close to home and it is where I student taught a couple years ago so I still know most everyone there.  I feel lucky because when they asked if I was interested, I told them I had chemo and other doctors appointments that I would have to go to and they were completely okay with it.  Basically, they have another substitute that they like, who is available to cover for me whenever, including the trip Sal and I have planned to Hawaii for Stacey and Ryan's wedding next week (look for upcoming posts of us kicking it beach side in the near future).  So I am quite thankful to be working in a position that is just about perfect.

Sally's work has been pretty good lately as well.  She's been busy in the good, fast-paced exciting kind of way.  Amazon's turning out to be such a great company for her to work for that she feels pretty lucky herself.  

That is pretty much most of the recent happy haps around here.  We've gotten a short break from visitors this past week, but just this evening Tracy and Andy got into town so I am sure we'll be back to the old posts and pics of us partying pretty soon.  

Aside from the news updates, I wanted to make this post more about my experience with the cancer.  I feel as though, I've been more apt to post the positive aspects of our lives and I think it is important for me to express a little bit more of the reality.

It is has been a little over two months, I think, since we first introduced you to Stanus.  While he has settled in, I can't say that I've gotten to enjoy him any more.  First of all, it is a pain in the ass, well actually in the stomach to be honest, to have to squeeze the early stages of poop out of a bag stuck to my belly as though I were icing the bowl of a toilet shaped cake.  The ileostomy is probably my greatest day-to-day source of frustration and anxiety.  The strange thing is that I have gotten somewhat used to dealing with it, yet it makes me uncomfortable both physically and mentally.  Unfortunately, I anticipate needing to have it for about a year if all goes well, but when Stanus goes back inside, where he belongs, I will emit a huge sigh of relief.  

Interestingly enough I have similar feelings toward the chemo as well.  Getting the chemo infusions suck.  They feel like gross chemical poisons running through my body almost to the point where I think that I smell like chemicals.  Accompanying the chemical feeling are subtle nausea and pain, which is kept in check by a few meds but still bothersome.  What is weird is that I feel like the chemo is not as bad as I expected it to be.  Other people in the treatment center look worse off and in greater discomfort than I do, and it makes me think that I actually may be lucky to be able to handle it as well as I do.  I suppose the true test will come on October 6th, when I find out if my current regiment is effectively combatting the cancer cells in my body or not.  I don't want to hear that they aren't and then have to try a different mix of chemical poisons that may or may not work.    

The dual nature of the feelings I have about this treatment is just odd to think about, but I suppose that it is import to discuss in order for others to gain a better understanding of what dealing with this cancer is like.  It is definitely scary and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  Before I got it, I know that I didn't really think that deeply or that sympathetically towards others who've had it.  I am not sure why, probably because it is so prevalent along with my egocentrism.

Basically, that is all want to say about it for now.  We'll get the upcoming posts to be more on the lighter side again, with pictures.  Maybe sometime, I'll get the urge to put out nice incoherent rant on the meaning of life and dying, but until then, Stanus says hello and stay classy San Diego.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hey all,

I just want to share a bit of good news. In addition to having a smooth 3rd chemo session, I got a long-term substitute teaching position at my favorite middle school in Seattle. It will take me through winter break and they are totally willing to work with my doctor's appointments. I was planning on subbing throughout the Seattle school district this year, but now I know where I'll be going each day and it happens to be close to home.

My very thoughtful, beautiful and sweet wife made me a cake as a congratulations. Aside from the cake, she has done and continues to do so much for me throughout all and I'm very lucky to have her.


Wiiiiii Chemo!

Chemo was actually fun this week - really. Ty brought his Wii along and Sads was in town so we filled Nick's room and played Mario Cart all day. We got a lot of comments from the nurses passing by!

Ty thinks Sadie's weird.
I made Nick share the bed.

Nice nipple.

Let's get that Wii up and running!

Uh oh. Ty's talking to tech support.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dinner with Chendy

Chad and Wendy, a.k.a. "Chendy," hosted quite the Naked Chef feast for Nick, Sadie, Ty, Katie and me tonight. We also got an anatomy/art lesson from Dr. Lorentz.

Good times. good food, good people...

Ty found out we were having brownies and ice cream for dessert.

Demonstrating the rabbit.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Paddle harder

Nick and Sadie took a little kayak adventure through the arboretum on Lake Washington today...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Acting Our Age

Hey All,

Sometimes I find it interesting how grown-up some of the activities Sally and I participate in seem. For example, having dinner challenges like the ones we have with friends every now and then, makes me feel like a character on that late-eighties tv drama "30-Something," with Peter Hornton and Mel Harris et al. I have never seen an episode, but I remember the commercials so I can't quite say the comparison is a good one, but I hope that you get the idea.

Fortunately, Sally and I also manage to engage in some good shennagins and tom-foolery every now and then, harkening back to the times of our early twenties for which I need no tv metaphor, rather simply a few hazy memories.

Last evening, we had night that included both types of events. It was one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time and has some special meaning for me in light of having cancer. I did something new, a thing of growth and maturity that I hope to practice and improve upon over a long, healthy life. I also did something that reminded me to take opportunities to be young, spontaneous and slightly wild, with the fact that the future is unpredictable.

It started with an invite to have an Iron Chef style dinner challenge with our pals Ty and Katie. The ingredient we were required to include was cheese, and each one of us had to secretly cook a dish and serve a drink pairing on which we would judge taste, presentation and the quality of the drink pairing. I am not much of a cook, but I took the challenge on, fully intending to infuse my taste on a dish that would be edible and presentable to the others. It was quite fun as each of us took our turn in the kitchen preparing our meals, guessing what each other was cooking and drinking wine. I ended up making a chicken parmesan, Sally did a french onion soup, Katie a swiss chard/cayenne mac and cheese, and Ty did a cheese injected mini-burger. We cooked, ate and drank the evening along until we were satiated with decadence.

It was cool that we started early enough, because we all felt like continuing the evening out at the karaoke bar with another group of friends. At this point, I will say that none of sang a lick at the bar because we ended up at one of those places where the people are serious as all get-out, and even a twenty dollar bill couldn't get Ty bumped into the rotation by the DJ. So, since Ty wasn't able to get his singing jones satisfied and because we were close to his and Katie's old high-rise condo building in Belltown, the four of us decided to attempt to break into the building and go hot-tubbing in our skivvies. This entailed us walking into the lobby and fooling the concierge into buzzing us inside as though we were residents. It worked like a charm, and we ended up hot-tubbing for a bit before Ty and Sally had a synchronozed swimming contest a la Zoolander in the pool until we got kicked out at 1 in the morning. We then cabbed it home, soaking wet under our clothes, minus a few scruples but with a belly-full of laughs.

Since most of the night was spent in action, we only have a few pictures to post. Sorry that I don't have any photos of me and stanus poolside, but just know that I've been doing some pushups and I am looking pretty good these days.

This is what happens after a few too many and a visit to the late night mini mart where one can buy pretty much anything including these ridiculous gangsta caps.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

You Can't Rain on Our Parade...

Nick and Shannon braved the Seattle rain today and rode their bikes to the Husky game. Try to stay dry you guys!

Don't Call Me Shirley.

Hi People,

Dom back in blog action with some updates from a Fouts family visit weekend. As you may have guessed from this picture below, I became an airline pilot for an undisclosed airline. I figured I should spend my time between treatment doing the Seattle to Miami redeye, which provides me the opportunity to tan a couple days of the week in Southbeach. And since I am doing chemo, I don't worry about skin cancer, and I also smoke and eat olestra and aspartame.

Actually, that is my grandpa Bob as a new enlistee during WWII. My folks think we resemble each other, which is weird considering we're blood relatives. But back to the updates:
Dan, Jeri and Shannon came up to the Emerald city for a bit of football, shopping and eating.

Down at Westlake Center

Dan and Jeri lunching at P.F. Changs.

I found that the moist towlettes provided to us for the ribs would make great stanus cleaners.

Shannon and me at P.F Changs.

Sally and Shannon tackle Nordstrom.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Shannon's in Seattle!

Hello! I'm Shannon, Nick and Sally's coolest sister from Sisters, Oregon! So here I am in Seattle visiting them one last time before school starts. We will be going school clothes shopping, watching Project Runway, maybe going to the University of Washington vs LSU football game, admiring how cute Pirate is, and having a great time!