Sunday, June 27, 2010

Le premiere

Greetings people,

Dom here from SeaTac Airport, just updating Beyond Stanus for day 1 of my European Vacation. As you may have noticed the title of the blog has changed once again, I hope that isn't too much of a strain on your auto bookmarks. Anywho, look for an alternative perspective from Sally's wonderful blog. Thanks for all your well-wishes and check back soon.

Friday, June 25, 2010

La liberté du trou d'âne

June twenty-something, 2010


Once again, time continues to pass. It's running, it's passing. Which of course means, that when we say, "we haven't been up to much and things are fine," much indeed has happened in actuality. Don't even get me started on current events.

In regards to my personal happenings, I am pleased to be bringing forth this, long overdue update. Basically for the last two months, I have been finishing out a 4-round cycle of treatment while continuing to substitute in Seattle. The end of the school year has been marked with lots of rain but I did get the chance to return to one of my past positions and revisit the super fun students I taught.
The chemo has been annoying, but at least it is keeping things in check. Since I got on it back in April, a couple "areas of interest" have shrunken and are now on surveillance. Just in time for my highly anticipated European adventure during the next several weeks.
In case you just joined us, I am going to Paris to meet up with my dearest, Sally, who has been covering some of's European business affaires since mid-May. It is indeed exciting, and while I have missed her a lot, I have been lucky to be at home with the Pirate, Benny and Goose and as much time to watch the NBA playoffs and World Cup action as I could wish for.

So to sum it all up, I have just been hanging with the animals,watching sports, working and tolerating chemo. But most recently I have been back in C.O. visiting my family and friends. From here it is on to Paris, the UK, Italy and beyond. I do plan to keep the blog updated with trip news and pics, so look for dual perspectives, when Beyond Stanus, becomes: La liberté du trou d'âne ( and joins Sal's blog, Mon Ete en Paris (

In the meantime, I have some photos for y'all the visually munch on.

Peace 5000 G,


Here's me fire jumping outside of Bend.

Adam at Hoodoo (I raided his computer for the photos)

My hot wife and her dad.

Classic Central Oregon sunrise.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hey Folks,

Well, it has been a fair amount of time since my last blog update. I apologize to those of you out there whom having been missing the magnificent wit that spews forth from this brain, much like the stanus used to spew forth partially digested belly material. Again I apologize, this time for the mental image. I suppose I sometimes have slightly twisted sense of story telling, twisted like the many turns and folds of the small intestine.

Why it has taken me so long to post something is probably due to the fact that I am sick and tired of thinking about, and thus writing about, the goings on of my innards. Those of you that I see regularly, know that I almost always bring up pooping during a "how are you" conversation. For that I am sorry, but sometimes I just can't help it. In fact I was gonna be damned, if I was gonna mention anything about digestion in this here blog post and what have I done, exactly what I set out not to do. I suppose that is just the magnetic charm of the stanus. It doesn't seek out the spotlight, it was just made for stardom. And what a weird pink little star it was. Oh dear, there I go again. Well, I guess it could be worse, I could have followed Suzie's advice and shown a gore picture of the stanus back in the day and truly grossed you all out. By the way congrats to Suzie and her wedding to Jesse. Great guy and a great couple you two are. For those of you who would like to check in on Sooz, she has started her own post-wedding blog:

Speaking of blogs, I would like to give a shout out to Sally's Paris blog:
She has been posting some great pics and sharing the highs and lows of being in a foreign land.

While I am giving shout outs, here is Happy Birthday shout out to my dad. Without you I wouldn't be here pops, and I mean that on several levels of course. I'll save the mushy stuff for the belated card I will be giving you later.

Okay, I need to sign off for now and get some sleep or else I will be a walking Zombie tomorrow at school and thus run the risk of eating too many brains. It is not that I don't like brains, it is just that they are a little hard on the digestive system ,but that is story for another time on Beyond Stanus...