Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nous allons à Paris

Hi friends and fam,

Some of you have already heard Nick and my summer plans so this post will bore you. But now that things are looking a little more certain, we thought we would make it official by posting on the blog...we're headed to Paris!

I am being temporarily transferred for work and will probably leave around May 9th. Nick will finish out the school year at Mercer and then he'll come out and meet me for July and maybe part of August as well.

There's no official "end date" but we will probably both be back home in August or September.

Needless to say, we're very excited and we can't wait to do some traveling while we're over there. And we welcome visitors so set your fare alerts!

Au revoire!

P.S. - I am starting a Paris only blog so that I can add girlie stuff like pictures of poodles and flower markets without boring the Beyond Stanus followers. If you want to follow, the address is

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