Saturday, September 5, 2009

Don't Call Me Shirley.

Hi People,

Dom back in blog action with some updates from a Fouts family visit weekend. As you may have guessed from this picture below, I became an airline pilot for an undisclosed airline. I figured I should spend my time between treatment doing the Seattle to Miami redeye, which provides me the opportunity to tan a couple days of the week in Southbeach. And since I am doing chemo, I don't worry about skin cancer, and I also smoke and eat olestra and aspartame.

Actually, that is my grandpa Bob as a new enlistee during WWII. My folks think we resemble each other, which is weird considering we're blood relatives. But back to the updates:
Dan, Jeri and Shannon came up to the Emerald city for a bit of football, shopping and eating.

Down at Westlake Center

Dan and Jeri lunching at P.F. Changs.

I found that the moist towlettes provided to us for the ribs would make great stanus cleaners.

Shannon and me at P.F Changs.

Sally and Shannon tackle Nordstrom.


  1. Very creative blog title, Nick!

  2. That picture of G'pa looks EXACTLY like you Nick, when you were 14 or 15 years old... to me!

  3. You know, Suzie, you are so right. As soon as I saw the picture of your Grandpa, I saw Nick. By the way, your Grandfather was never a pilot, but he might have wanted to be. He stayed in until he became a Kernel.
    Love reading about your fun times with everyone, Nick.
    Love, Tim & PaTTY
